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Resumen de Education policy and reform: Addressing disparities andinequalities in education

Judith Nneka Okafor

  • Disparities and inequalities persist in education, hindering equitable learning opportunities andoutcomes. A mixed- method approach combining policy analysis and case studies investigatedthe impact of culturally responsive teaching and community engagement on student outcomeand equity. The result showed that education policy initiatives that prioritize communityengagement culturally responsive teaching and equitable based funding can significantly reduceeducational disparities. Also, the implementation of restorative justice practice in schools canlead to improve student outcomes and reduced disciplinary actions among minority students.Teacher training programs focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion can enhance teacherefficacy and student engagement. Similarly, Education policy reforms focused on teacheraccountability have neglected the role of systematic inequalities in shaping educationaloutcomes. Despite increased funding, education policy reforms have failed to addresssystematic inequalities, highlighting the need for a more radical approach to education reform.It was recommended that government should rationally allocate educational resources,especially public ones, with financial investment; focus on rural, remote, poor areas andactively promote the conditions of schools in poor areas to meet the basic national standards assoon as possible. Also, promotion of socioeconomic and racial integration in schools can helpbreak down barriers and foster diverse learning environments among others. The implication isthat policy makers should prioritize equity- focused policy initiatives, educators shouldintegrate culturally responsive teaching practice, and schools should foster communityengagement and participation among others.

Fundación Dialnet

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