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Indigenismos en el «Diccionario de nicaraguanismos» (1939) de H. A. Castellón: el campo léxico del mundo vegetal

    1. [1] Universidad Complutense, Madrid, España
  • Localización: Lengua y Sociedad, ISSN 1729-9721, ISSN-e 2413-2659, Vol. 23, Nº. 2, 2024, págs. 147-165
  • Idioma: español
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Indigenismos no «Diccionario de nicaraguanismos» (1939) de H. A. Castellón: o campo lexical do mundo vegetal
    • Indigenismos in the «Diccionario de nicaraguanismos» (1939) de H. A. Castellón: the lexical field of vegetation
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • español

      This article aims at analysing the indigenous presence, since loanword(s) from indigenous American languages, in the first lexicographical repertoire published in Nicaragua by a Nicaraguan, the «Diccionario de nicaraguanismos» (1939) by H. A. Castellón. In addition, not only are the words classified according to the Amerindian language of origin, but they are also distributed by lexical fields with the aim of observing in which lexical field indigenism predominates. Finally, due to its productivity, the focus is placed on the lexical field of flora, and the mechanisms used by the author to define the lemma are distinguished. In this sense, the work outlined is intended as a contribution to the study of Nicaraguan lexicography and lexicology, which has been largely neglected in previous research.

    • português

      Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a presença indígena no primeiro repertório lexicográfico publicado na Nicarágua por um nicaraguense, o «Diccionario de nicaraguanismos» (1939) de H. A. Castellón. Além disso, não só as palavras são classificadas de acordo com a língua ameríndia de origem, como também são distribuídas por campos lexicais com o objetivo de observar em que campo lexical predomina o indigenismo. Por fim, devido à sua produtividade, o foco é colocado no campo lexical de flora e são distinguidos os mecanismos utilizados pelo autor para definir o lema. Neste sentido, o trabalho apresentado pretende ser um contributo para o estudo da lexicografia e da lexicologia nicaraguense, que tem sido largamente negligenciada em investigações anteriores.

    • English

      This article aims at analysing the indigenous presence, since loanword(s) from indigenous American languages, in the first lexicographical repertoire published in Nicaragua by a Nicaraguan, the Diccionario de nicaraguanismos (1939) by H. A. Castellón. In addition, not only are the words classified according to the Amerindian language of origin, but they are also distributed by lexical fields with the aim of observing in which lexical field indigenism predominates. Finally, due to its productivity, the focus is placed on the lexical field of flora, and the mechanisms used by the author to define the lemma are distinguished. In this sense, the work outlined is intended as a contribution to the study of Nicaraguan lexicography and lexicology, which has been largely neglected in previous research.

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