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Resumen de Euskara helduaroan ikasteko motibazioa: hainbat gogoeta

Josu Perales

  • Artikulu honetan aztertzen ditugu motibazioaren gaineko hainbat kontzeptu eta teoria, Bigarren Hizkuntzen Eskurapenaren eta irakaskuntza/ikaskuntzaren alorrekoak. Aztergai ditugu hemen, besteak beste, Gizarte Psikologiaren ikuspegia eta horren ekarpenik behinena, sozio-heziketazko eredua, hala nola beste ekarpen berriago batzuk ere. Kontzeptu eta teoria horiek gehiago datoz elkar osatzera elkar baztertzera baino. Gainbegirada hori egin eta gero, euskara-ikasle helduen motibazioa aztertzeko lanak laburbiltzen dira. Erreparatu egiten zaie, era berean, euskara-ikasleen motibazioari eragin ahal dioten beste zenbait aldagairi ere. Nola adoretu ikaslea euskara ikastera? Horra hor galdera giltzarria. Erantzuteko asmoz, hainbat motibazio-estrategia azalduko ditugu ikasgelan baliagarri direlakoan.

    This article gives an overview on concepts and theories of motivation in the field of Second Language Acquisition and L2 learning. The Social Psychological approach and its more salient proposal i.e. the socio-educational model as well as more recent approaches to motivation are seen and discussed here rather as complementary models than as mutual exclusive models After this general overview, the focus is narrowed down to the role of motivation in learning Basque in the adulthood. Main researches relating motivation and learning Basque are analyzed and summarized from a diachronic perspective. In the same way, some considerations on variables that are likely to influence the motivation of students and future students are made. A key issue involved here is obviously how to motivate the learner of Basque. As an attempt to answer this perennial question some motivational strategies that can be taken account by teachers in the classroom are also briefly described.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UZTARO, 50 - 2004, 23 - 41 orrialdeak.

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