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Kazetaritzari buruzko lehen doktore-tesia, euskaratua

  • Autores: Javier Díaz Noci
  • Localización: Uztaro: giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria, ISSN 1130-5738, ISSN-e 3020-5115, Nº. 50, 2004, págs. 59-75
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Texto completo no disponible (Saber más ...)
  • Resumen
    • Aldizkaritzat har ditzakegun lehen argitalpenak XVI. eta XVII. mendeen arteko uztartzean sortu ziren Alemanian. Etorkizunean Kazetaritza gisa ezagutuko zen fenomeno berriari buruzko buru-lanean ere Alemaniako lurraldeak aitzindariak izan ziren. Gai honi buruzko lehen doktore-tesia Tobias Peucer-ek irakurri zuen 1690ean Leipzig-eko Unibertsitatean. Tesi hura, zeinaren jatorrizko testua latinez idatzia den, katalanera itzuli zen 1990ean eta gaztelaniara 1996an. Oraingoan Penintsulako beste hizkuntza batera itzuli dugu, euskarara alegia. Komunikazio-fenomeno berriari buruz Erdialdeko Europan burutu zen gogoetaren barruko ingurunea ere islatzen saiatu gara testu honen sarreran.

      The first publications than can be considered as periodicals were placed in Germany in the last 16th century and the first 17th century. Germany was also pioneer in the academic reflection about that new phenomenon that would later be called Journalism. The first doctoral thesis we know about that subject was presented in 1690 in the University of Leipzig in 1690. That thesis, originally written in Latin, was translated into Catalan in 1990 and into Spanish in 1996. Now we present this translation into another one of the languages of the Peninsula, into Basque, with a short historical introduction that places this first doctoral thesis about Journalism in the context of the intellectual skill about the new communication phenomenon done in Middle Europe in the last 17th century.

      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UZTARO, 50 - 2004, 59 - 75 orrialdeak.

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