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Resumen de Música y fiesta barroca: celebraciones en Tortosa en honor de Felipe V (1701)

Marian Rosa Montagut

  • Thís estay describes a specific case of Ihe presence of musie duríng lbs popular festívíties Ibas were heid u Tortosa al Ibe hegísning of 1701 celebrating usó exalting Ihe coronation of Ihe Ihen new aud recently crowned Monarch, Ihe Boarbos Prínce Felípsde Asjoa. The suorce for analyzíng Ihe varied aud abasdaní musical partícípation u Ihe said festívítíes ~t a documení prínted u Barcelona in 1701 entitíed 'Festíve merryroakíng, coarísoas sud loyal demonstrations witb whícb lbs mosí faiíbful usó sxemplary city of Tortosa celebrated lbs joyoas arríval in bis Royal Coarí of oar greal Mosarcb, Felipe de Anjou (Boarbon), King of Spain (muy Ood tuve híro)". Tbs importance of Ibis anonymoas documení lies, osí lbs ose baud, in lbs detailed descríption it offers as of lbs esíentíal role pluyed by masis - along witb olber artislis manifestalioní - in lbs majoríty of lbs actívítíes, aud, os lbs olber baud, sí a paradigmatís testímony of lbs relasíonsbíp between masis usó 'fiesta" daríng lbs epoch of lbs Bíspanis Baroqas.

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