Recent fenlinisí scholarahip has retrieved from nhscurity numernus writinga hy nineteenth-centssry Hispanic Alistraet: detuonatrate their high level nf particapatiun in the alí-importaní projecí nf nation huilding. Wnmen's wamen thaI -fated greatly frorn Ihe proliferation nf print culture, particularly in Ihe fnrrn nf jonmala aud liíerary activitY 0ene tatinnahipa promníed creative literary produclion aud extended welt heynnd neWspapeta. CollahOrative female re atan satinest hurdera lo forrn un internatinoal wnmen's network. Particutarty instrumental in Ihe construction nf che netwnrk were a few wornen writers whose effectiveness was signiticantty enhanced hy their international travela. Three such wumen-3555na Manuela Gorviti, Emilia Serrano de Witsnn, aud Soledad Acosta de Samper-are paradigmatic examples nf nation aod netwotk huildera. Bingraphicat information ahuní these wnmen aud a description nf specific activities tu which íheY engaged iltustrate the mechaniarna thaI lcd tu Ihe cnnstructinn nf Ihe pan-
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