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Resumen de Space-time Quantization

A. Meessen

  • The article shows that the postulate of a space-time continuum is not a logical necessity, since it is possible to construct a theory, where the ultimate limit for the smallest measurable distance a is finite. This quantum of length is a universal constant, like this light velocity c and Planck's constant h. This generalized theory implies that the total energy content of our Universe Eu = hc/2a and that velocities v> c are possible for material bodies, when their energy is approaching E. That's surprising, but this are no logical inconsistencies. On the contrary, this theory removes a basic contradiction between relativity and quantum mechanics: this EPR paradox. It accounts also for the mysterious "internal degrees of freedom" of elementary particles, by relating this to possible results of space-time measurements, when the quantum of length a is finite

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