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Resumen de Valoración de niveles séricos y óseos de calcio, cobre, estroncio, hierro, magnesio y zinc en pacientes con osteoporosis

Edgar Nieto, José Salinas, Oscar Marino Alarcón Corredor, Jesús Burguera, Marcela P. de Burguera, Elías Burguera, María Di Bernardo, María García

  • The levels of calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), strontium (Sr), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), and zinc (Zn), by Spectroscopy Atomic Absorption in Flame were determined in bone and sanguineous samples of 13 patients with clinical references of osteoporosis. The osteoporosis is a systemic disease of the skeleton which characterizes by a diminution of the bone mass and a deterioration of the architecture of the bone with increase of the risk of fractures 1-3 . In this disease there is a normal colageno/mineral relation, which allows to differentiate it from osteomalacia, where a mineral diminution exists in relation to the colageno. The osteoporosis is the metabolic disease commonly of the bone and is an important cause of morbidity in anciano 2 .

    The copper, iron and zinc are oligoelements that play an important role in the organism, since they are necessary for the tissue elaboration, synthesis of hormones and in most of the chemical reactions in which they take part enzymes and they comprise natural of the bone structure. The zinc is an essential mineral element in the diet of the humans for the optimal growth and state of health. Altogether with other minerals as it receives, iron, manganese and magnesium are cofactor for enzymes involved in the synthesis of several components of bone matrix 4, 5-7 .

    The mineral deficiency like iron, manganese, and zinc is associated with bone animal injuries; although in the human being east aspect still remains to explain 4 . The calcium and the strontium is involved in numerous typical physiological processes of the tissue formation different (bone and teeth), sanguineous coagulation, transmission of nervous impulses, muscular contraction; etc. The strontium as divalent ion interchanges with way calcium to equimolar and incorporates to crystals of the bone, which is a dense connective intensely mineralized. The revision of Literature sample that the studies in relation to the metabolism of the chemical elements in the osteoporosis are little in bone matrix of real patients and some is contradictory. The reason for the present investigation is to value the sericos and bone levels of Ca, Cu, Sr, Fe, Mg and Zn in patients with osteoporosis, submissive surgeries to repair fractures.

    The evaluation of these elements could predict the evolution and severity of this disease or to even discard the absence or is present at of her. The analysis of the results shows a close relationship between the content of these elements, sex and the studied, being but marked pathology for Ca, Sr, Mg and Cu. The obtained results are in agreement with reports of Literature that affirm that the Mg helps to fix the Ca and Sr helps the bone reabsorption whereas a deficit of Cu could be associate with bony alterations

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