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Resumen de New species and biostratigraphy of the late Eocene cytherurid ostracoda from New Zealand

M.A. Ayress

  • Thrity two cytherurid ostracod species are documented from two microfossil rich samples from the Late Eocene, Kaiatan and Runangan Stages of South Island, New Zealand. Seven species are described as new including Cytheropteron cuneatum, Oculocytheropteron maxwelli, O. paratinctum, O. waihaoensis, O. edwardsi, Cytherura nonspinosa and Semicytherura eocenica. Fourteen species are assigned to previously established taxa, and eleven species are left in open nomenclature due to paucity of material or poor preservation. All species are illustrated and their stratigraphic distribution in New Zealand and adjacent offshore regions is given.

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