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Resumen de La sombra del "Cangaceiro": el cine brasileño y la crítica española

Alberto Elena Díaz

  • Since O Cangaceiro, Spanish critics have relied on isolated films exhibited in the local market, such as Pixote or Central Station, in order to mantain some kind of connection with Brazilian Film.

    One exception to this rule is the strong enthusiasm provoked in the sixties by Cinema Novo among the new generation of Spanish film critics, represented mainly by Nuestro Cine magazine. In a certain sense, Brazilian features were integrated into the debate on Spain’s own film issues. Glauber Rocha filmed in Spain Cabezas cortadas, as a result of this close involvement. But the enchantment was soon broken by Rocha’s esthetical radicalization. Since then, Spanish literature on abstract Brazilian film is almost all based on Brazilian authors.

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