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Resumen de Unidades litoestratigráficas del Terciario del sector de Sepúlveda-Ayllón. Borde suroriental de la Cuenca del Duero

Manuel Montes Santiago, Fabián López Olmedo, J. Luengo Olmos, F. Nozal Martín

  • Six new Tertiary lithostratigraphic units, each one corresponding to a separate stratigraphic sequence, have been recognized in the southeast border of the Duero Basin (north of the Somosierra - Ayllón Sierra). The age of these units is Paleogene-Late Miocene (Turolian) to Pliocene. The lower units are synorogenic, consequence of the tectonic uplift on the Central System while the upper units are postorogenic. These units are correlated with other ones of equal regional scale and well known age in the Duero Basin.

Fundación Dialnet

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