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Resumen de Chemical composition and nutritional value of the Maniçoba Silage (Manihot Epruinosa)

Angela Maria Vieira Batista, D.S. de Matos, O.G. Pereira, A. Guim, V. Martins

  • This work was conducted with the objective to evaluate the chemical composition, cianidric acid content and the nutritional value of the maniçoba silage (Manihot epruinosa), made starting from the pricked forage, wilted and compacted in metal drums. Samples of the forage wilted and silage were submitted to the chemical analysis to determine the contents of: dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), cianidric acid (HCN), buffering capacity (BC) and soluble carbo-hydrates (SC) of the forage, ammonia-N as percentage of total nitrogen (N-NH3/Nt) and pH of the silage. The digestibility study carried out with sheeps to evaluate the intake and apparent digestibility of the DM, OM, CP, EE, NDFap (NDF corrected for ashes and protein), ADF, total carbohydrates (TC), non-fibrous carbohydrates (NFC) and total digestible nutrients (TDN). The chemical composition of the forage, mainly with relationship to the contents of SC and BC, respectively, of 3.23 percent in the fresh matter and 17.50 eq. mg. 100 g-1 DM, promoted a satisfactory fermentation and, consequently, silage of better quality was obtained, given values of 1.6 percent N-NH3/Nt, pH of 3.87, besides of the decrease in the cianidric acid concentration from 972 to 162 mg/kg DM. The coefficients of digestibilidade of the nutrients in the maniçoba silage were above 60 percent for the studied fractions, emphasizing of the DM (72.49 percent), CP (64.89 percent), TC (76.72 percent), NFC (86,42 percent) and NDT of 70.49 percent. The intake of DM and OM was, respectively, of 678 and 605 g/d, 2 and 1.78 p.100 of PV and 48.10 and 42.91 g/PV0,75. For CP, NDFap, TC, NFC and TDN, were of 104.2; 197.0; 471.3, 281.5 and 486.19 g/d. The maniçoba presents potential to be conserved in the silagem form. The ensilage reduces the conten of cianidric acid. The maniçoba silage has good nutritional value and high content of TDN.

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