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Resumen de La recogida selectiva de residuos de envases en municipios de menos de 20.000 habitantes en Cataluña

Miquel Ángel Rubio, Sergi Carrégalolo, Joan Rieradevall, Mireia Boya, Eugenia Cruz, Virgínia Vallvé, Antoni March, Geòrgia Rodoreda

  • This article talks about the selective collection (glass, paper and packaging) process in towns of 5.000 to 20.000 inhabitants. The chosen geographic area is Catalunya (in the East of Spain). In the 80% of the analyzed areas, we have noticed that there is a lack of and a deficient distribution of containers. Many times there are great distances between them and people have to go to different places. A priority for a better collection process is to improve the distribution of the containers and the frecuency of the collection

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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