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Resumen de Felipe II y la Reforma del Calendario Juliano

Juan Carlos Galende Díaz

  • español

    Se trataría de dar un poco más de luz a un hecho que lleva vigente algo más de 500 años. Y que como tal nos afecta irreversiblemente. Se trata de la última reforma del calendario llevada a cabo en el Concilio de Nicea, por el papa Gregorio XIII. Se explican los antecedentes y los incidentes que supuso esta reforma en la Europea de Felipe II, enfrentada, dividida y convulsionada por la religión. Nos permite ver como los motivos políticos-religiosos se anteponían a la realidad misma. En fin, nos plantea tanto el pasado como el futuro del sistema que hasta hoy rige nuestra vida cotidiana y sus aconteceres

  • English

    The article, tries to shed more light on a reform that occurred more than five hundred years ago and that still affects us today: This is the reform to the Julian calendar which was proposed by the Nicean Ecclesiastic Council convoked by Pope Gregorio XIII in 1582. The article explains the antecedents as well as the consequences of this reform. It also takes into account the fact that during the reign of Philip II of Spain, Europe was a continent convulsed and divided by religious conflicts. It permits us to see how, in this case, political-religious motives were imposed over reality. What's more, it presents the past and the future of a system that rules our daily life and its eventualities

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