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Resumen de New vertical markets for satellite broadband solutions

M. Castellanet, Renaud Vogeleisen Delpech, Marc Cartigny

  • Beyond basic Internet/Intranet access services, satellite broadband technologies are currently being deployed in new vertical markets such as wide-area governmental/defense networks, mission-critical networks for public services (public safety, e-health, e-education), and cellular backhauling. All these markets share a common and simple need, i.e. instant access to high data rate (up to several Mbit/s) connections, with a high degree of mobility and quality of service, in remote areas where the terrestrial infrastructure is not present or not sufficiently reliable. Historically, satellite solutions have perfectly matched such needs in the narrowband domain (with the Inmarsat service, for example). Alcatel's goal is to extend the relevance of satellite solutions to the broadband domain. Alcatel has developed a range of solutions based on the Alcatel 9780 DVB-RCS product specifically to address these vertical markets. Its offer includes satellite gateways and terminals, hardware to provide security or to interface with external networking equipment, and also software applications to handle added-value services such as collaborative work, video conferencing, or video streaming services.

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