Explica-lo proceso de creación das primeiras experiencias de televisión local en Galicia, saber quen foron os promotores das emisoras pioneiras, as motivacións que levaron á súa posta en marcha, as dificultades que tiveron nos seus comenzos e as necesidades tecnolóxicas e humanas que requeriron son as principias finalidades desta comunicación. Así buscamos poder facérmonos unha idea de cales son os alicerces da industria da comunicación televisiva local en Galicia, sen perder de vista os estudos e investigacións que sobre este tema se fixeron.
To explain the process of creation of the first experiences of local television in Galicia, to know who were the promoters of the pioneering transmitters, the motivations that took to their beginning, the difficulties that had in their the technological and human beginnings and necessities that they needed is the main purposes of this communication. So, we looked for to be able to do an idea of which they are the beginnings of the industry of the local communication televising in Galicia, without leaving of side the studies and investigations that on this subject became.
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