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Resumen de Cinefilia gay: Terenci Moix y el cine

Alberto Mira Nouselles, Terenci Moix

  • This is a selection taken from Terenci Moix’s autobiographical writings on his experience of film. The emphasis is placed on how Moix appropiated film narratives and images in terms of homosexuality, either in terms of desire or to make sense of the world. The author projects a specifically homosexual gaze on sword and sandal films and explains how James Dean was one of the key influences shaping his rebelliousness. Movie houses are themselves places that were for the young Moix full of sexual promise. Finally, discussing homoerotic possibilities in Ben-Hur, the writer learned to share a homoerotic gaze. Together, these fragments constitute a kind of homosexual education at the movies, at a time when any kind of public discourse on homosexuality was severely limited or guilt inducing

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