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Resumen de Liberalization, migration and development: the Mexico-U.S. relationship

Arthur MacEwan

  • Migration from Mexico fo fha United States has bean increased by liberalization of fha Maxican economy. Proponenta of liberalization dad maintained that it would reduce migration; indaed, thay usad thia argumeot aloog with anti-immigrant aentiment as one basia 00 which fo salí fha North American Free Irade Agreement fo fha OS. public. Iba aoti-immigradon demagogy was not only offenaiva lo aentiment but siso wrong lo aubatance. Varioua impacta of liberalization flava been causal factora moving people northward and maintaining fha high rata of migration. Ibis reality ahould force a reaaaeaament of policy o fha United Statea. A policy that accepted fha reality of contiouing migration aod intagrated fha immigranfa loto fha labor force with fu~l righta could flava wideapraad banefifa.

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