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Resumen de Ultramilonitas de apariencia fluidal, pseudotaquilitas o algo intermedio? (Formación Bacariza, Cabo Ortegal)

Pablo Puelles Olarte, Benito Ábalos Villaro, José Ignacio Gil Ibarguchi

  • Occurrence of tectonites with features characteristic of both pseudotachylytes and ultramylonites formed under high-pressure granulite-facies conditions is reported in the Cabo Ortegal Complex of NW Spain. We interpret that these rocks were originated due to a seismic event at great depth (1.4 GPa) under high temperatures (740 ºC). Shear heating would have affected the still hot and mechanically rigid granulites and provoked melt formation. Ambient high P and T would have led to subsequent recrystallization of the previously formed melt giving rise to a weak planar fabric.

Fundación Dialnet

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