Se considera el folleto como lugar privilegiado de manifestación y concreción del lenguaje turístico. Dos elementos perfectamente definibles y aislables integran el folleto turístico, el material verbal y el material icónico. El texto siempre ha constituido el material de base de los análisis lingüísticos. El material verbal del mensaje turístico puede ser considerado en su contenido (temática) o en un contexto más amplio de comunicación (discurso). En el artículo se estudia la evolución del folleto turístico en España durante un período de quince años suficientemente amplio para, en su transcurso, asistir a variaciones en los gustos y premisas estéticas. ¿De qué tratan los folletos? ¿Cuáles son sus temas? ¿Cómo se relacionan unos con otros? ¿Están jerárquicamente organizados? ¿Existen elementos comunes en su tratamiento?, etc.
died within the frame of a theory of communication.
Priority is given to the communication of the verbal messages in the pamphlets. After having been submitted to the techniques of content analysis, these messages are shown to have a twelve-subject structure, and each of these subjects may be polarised in four isotopic triangles around the active elements of linguistic communication: the emissary, the I; the addressee, the YOU; and the message concerning a geographical reference, the IT.
In the corpus of our study a certain lack of proportion is perceived between the I of the emissary, which totals more than half of the textual marter, and the rest of the active elements, especially the YOU of the tourist who, in princip?. should be given primary consideraron given that the message is conceived in terms of publicity.
The semiological textual analysis also reveáis an extreme linguistic form which, always insisting on «the most» and «the best» is fascinated by the antique and modulated by various connotations of a subjectivising nature.
On further analysis, the pamphlet's verbal message is seen to be situated in the widest context of an ¡ntercommunicational situation. According to the functions of R. Jakobson's communication scheme, amongst the most prominent characters of the pamphlets are found the mark of thelr authors, patent ¡n an evaluative style with a high índex of emotivity —the •pathetio versus «the poetic»— and the presence of their addressees, the potential tourists, by means of the conative function exercised by a subtle dialectic, in whose origin is found the presentation of a unilaterally positive and euphoric universe.
Finally, what would be «poetic» in the language of tourism, from the concepts of metaphor and metonym, is sketched out. In metaphorical clothing, the language of tourism appears invested with a clearly metonymic intention, both partial and selective, which is likewise discovered in the core of touristic activity itself.
Together with the verbal component exists ¡n the pamphlets an iconic component, which is further shown to take quantitive priority, ¡n a proportion of three to one over the former. Its function, however, is subordinated to the text and, although it carries with it its own complementary characteristics —eroticisation, for example— it can be confirmed that, as much in theme as in form, it repeats the same message with the direct and immediate language of the photographic image.
The concept of «mythology», brought into relief by R. Barthes, provides us with the key for a global understanding of the tourism pamphlets when it makes explicit its qualification of privileged and eloquent significance in the communication of tourism.
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