Barcelona, España
The flora of Catalan Lands. O. de Bolos 8L J. Vigo. Taking as a basis our work '`Flora dels Pay os Catalans" (1st vol. 1984. 2nd vol. 1990, 3rd vol. 1996, 4th vol. beeing in preparation) we put forward general comments on the territory considered, its flora and the work itself. The territory covers an area of 69,032 km' and accounts 3,627 autochionous or naturalized species s.l. (4,605 taxa at subspecies or variety levels). Among the regions considered, the Pyrenees gather the highest floristical diversity. Several distribution maps, representative of the main phytogeographic groups, are shown. With regard to the book, the ecological and chorological data included can be emphasized. Information concerning every to on includes a general drawing of the plant and two distribution maps. In order to palliate the long-term edition of the work a shortened handbook ("Flora Manual dels Pesos Catalans") was published in 1990 (2nd ed. 1993).
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