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Resumen de Non-trivial derivations on commutative regular algebras

A. F. Ber, V. I. Chilin, F. A. Sukochev

  • Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for a (complete) commutative algebra that is regular in the sense of von Neumann to have a non-zero derivation. In particular, it is shown that there exist non-zero derivations on the algebra L(M) of all measurable operators affiliated with a commutative von Neumann algebra M, whose Boolean algebra of projections is not atomic. Such derivations are not continuous with respect to measure convergence. In the classical setting of the algebra S[0,1] of all Lebesgue measurable functions on [0,1], our results imply that the first (Hochschild) cohomology group H1(S[0,1], S[0,1]) is non-trivial.

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