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Resumen de Propuesta de marco teórico interpretativo sobre el asociacionismo deportivo en España

N. Puig, Alberto Moreno Domínguez, C. López

  • español

    El artículo que se presenta es un ensayo de reflexión teórica sobre el asociacionismo deportivo en España. Se estructura en dos partes. La primera trata de la diversidad de las asociaciones deportivas. Ello se analiza tanto desde una perspectiva histórica como de presente. En la segunda se habla del contexto en que se desenvuelve el modelo asociativo del deporte en España. Fenómenos de tipo deportivo, organizativo, político y social se avanzan como posibles explicaciones de la problemática actual del asociacionismo deportivo en este país. Al analizar estos fenómenos se va sugiriendo el tipo de problemas que generan en los distintos tipos de asociaciones. Las conclusiones son un breve resumen de la reflexión realizada

  • English

    The article is a theoretical essay about sport organisations in Spain. It has two parts. The first one deals with the heterogeneity of sport organisations. This is analized from an historical and present perspective. The second part deals with the context of sport oganisations. It is considered that sport, organisational, political and social aspects are fundamental to understand the present situation of sport organisations in Spain. In analysing them, problems related with different kind of sport organisations are raised. Conclusions are summarising the main ideas developped. KEY WORDS: Sport associationism The article is a theoretical essay about sport organisations in Spain. It has two parts. The first one deals with the heterogeneity of sport organisations. This is analized from an historical and present perspective. The second part deals with the context of sport oganisations. It is considered that sport, organisational, political and social aspects are fundamental to understand the present situation of sport organisations in Spain. In analysing them, problems related with different kind of sport organisations are raised. Conclusions are summarising the main ideas developped

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