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Resumen de Gaziel, en el cànon i en la tradició d'escola

Josep Maria Casasús Guri

  • català

    L'any 1982, quan preparava el doctorat, vaig proposar un primer cànon sobre periodística catalana. El vaig presentar en llibres i articles, un cop llegida la tesi, a partir de 1986. El vaig debatre amb alumnes i amb el professor Agustí Pons en el Seminari d'Estudis Periodístics Catalans que reuníem l'any 1987 en el Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya. És un cànon molt personal, incomplet, i per tant molt discutible. En qualsevol cas, però, fou el primer.

  • English

    Gaziel occupies a preeminent place in the canon of Catalan journalism. He shares with Xammar and Pla the experience of being a journalist primarily trained abroad as a foreign correspondent. These are the three figures who are most representative of the first wave of modern Catalan journalism during the 20s and 30s of the past century. It is very likely that his contact with more advanced professional cultures and his work in the great political centers of an agitated Europe contributed to our tardy journalistic renewal. Agustí Calvet (Gaziel), as a correspondent and as a director, represented a breath of fresh air in the antiquated offices of Barcelona newspapers. However, his genuine professional significance should be measured by the fact that he was able to unite these renovating criteria with the successful exercise of journalism of orientation, one of the most traditional and most genuine variants of Catalan journalism.

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