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Resumen de Validez e interpretación de los datos geotermométricos de los esquistos cloríticos con circón en las peridotitas de Ronda ( Cordilleras Béticas)

José Julián Esteban Guzman, Julia Cuevas Urionabarrenechea, José María Tubía Martínez

  • This work reports the most precise geochemical compositions and geothermometric calculations of zirconbearing chlorite schists located at the south-western part of the Sierra Bermeja peridotite massif. The combination of electron microprobe and X-ray diffraction analysis shows the lack of interstratifications within chlorite IIb and allow us the use conventional geothermometers in the calculations of chlorite formation temperatures. Moreover, the application of geothermometers that do not depend on the SiO2 composition of the host rock give us a new value ranges between 289-322 ºC for the chlorite schists formation during the serpentinization of the R onda peridotites.

Fundación Dialnet

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