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Resumen de La biblioteca escolar como recurso central del aprendizaje: propuesta de formación en el centro educativo

Perla Noemí Barnés Anco

  • español

    Se describen y revisan los conceptos de Alfabetización Informacional y alfabetización digital, a través del análisis de la literatura existente. Se examinan asimismo conceptos relacionados, incluyendo la alfabetización informática, la alfa-betización bibliotecaria, la alfabetización en redes, la de internet y la hiperafabeti-zación, y se aclaran las relaciones entre éstas. Después de una introducción gene-ral, el artículo comienza con el concepto básico de "alfabetización", que se expande para incluir nuevas formas de alfabetización, más acordes con el los com-plejos entornos informacionales. Algunas de éstas, como la alfabetización infor-mática, la bibliotecaria y la alfabetización en medios, están ampliamente basadas en destrezas específicas, pero las sobrepasan en alguna medida. Estas alfabetiza-ciones conducen a conceptos generales, como son AI y alfabetización digital, que estando basadas en conocimiento, percepciones y actitudes, se apoyan en las alfa-betizaciones basadas en destrezas más simples.

    Palabras clave: Alfabetización informacional. Alfabetización digital.

  • English

    A School Library is a valuable space, especially useful for the development of curricula and for developing learning abilities, as well as learning strategies that cannot be achieved elsewhere in the School Center. Only rarely in schools does the Library fulfil its potential function; generally it does not form a part of the cultural or school life of the institution. When a School Library exists, it often ends up in greater or smaller measure by being a wasted space. This situation is not improved by having a teacher who will open the door only occasionally, to supervise the loan of books or for cleaning the books in the bookcases! A fundamental change is required on the part of the teachers. They need to understand that a library should play a central role in the life of the school: 1. Transformation in the methods involved in the intellectual work necessary for integrating the library space in a systematic way with the development of the daily classes. 2. Awareness in the whole educational community - students, parents and teachers � that the library should form an intrinsic component of the work of the school, interacting with the different curricular activities in a dynamic way. 3. It would be important to arrange a training project for the teachers in the school, which would be committed to educational reform and which would take place communally with the specific objective of integrating the library into the academic life. Such an initiative was introduced, over a period of two years, in the Public College Saavedra Fajardo in Algezares, Murcia, with the support of the directive and participation of the educational body. It resulted in rejuvenation of the forgotten library and it carried the flag for a renewed protagonism.

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