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Resumen de William J. Entwistle's Research on Ballads and Epic

Alan D. Deyermond

  • William J. Entwistle died on 13 June 1952. It is appropriate, half a century later, to look again at his work on ballad and epic. In a five-year period Entwistle challenged the increasingly powerful neotraditionalist view of Spanish epic in his studies of Bernardo del Carpio and the Cantar de Sancho II (both 1928) and in an important theoretical statement arising out of those detailed studies (1933). He then, however, seems to have lost interest in the epic, returning to it briefly in a slighter and provisional article on epic chronology (1947-48). His interest in ballads, in contrast, persisted throughout his scholarly life. His first article on the subject was published in 1923, when he was in his late twenties, and he left two articles in press at his death. In all, he published twenty-two ballad articles, and a standard book on the subject, European Balladry (1939, 2nd ed. 1951). In this article, I survey Entwistle's work in these two areas, and try to assess its relevance to our research in these areas today.

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