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Resumen de Studients' Travel Motivations

Zaher Hallab, Catherine Price, Herve Fournier

  • The purpose of this research study was to explore travel motivations and sociodemographic characteristics of hospitality management students in Switzerland. The results of this study revealed that hospitality management students attached a high level of importance to attributes in a tourist destination such as cost/price, security, scenery, accessibility, the food and beverage experience, the lodging experience, and nightlife and entertainment facilities. It was also revealed that male students valued more nightlife, entertainment, and casinos than did female students. On the other hand, female students valued more the attribute of unfamiliar environment. When it comes to age, it was revealed that those in the 18-21 age category valued more shopping than members in the 22-29 age category. However, members in the 22-29 age category valued more the attribute of unfamiliar environment.

Fundación Dialnet

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