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Resumen de Precisiones sobre la edad, mediante ammonoideos y nautiloideos, de la Fm. Margas del Forcall en la subcuenca de Oliete ( Cadena Ibérica, España)

Josep Anton Moreno Bedmar

  • Ammonoids and nautiloids from Margas del Forcall Formation, located in the Oliete sub-basin (Iberian Chain), were studied. Taphonomic, sedimentologic and biostratigraphic analyses were carried out. The fossil record of cephalopods is especially abundant in a layer made up of reddish limestone with elongated nodules that are usually covered by a ferruginous-manganese crust. These nodules are embedded in a micritc matrix where infaunal tiering is largely preserved. The biostratigraphic study has allowed recognizing Hambrovi Subzone and proposing a new bioestratigraphic position for this stratigraphic interval.

Fundación Dialnet

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