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Resumen de Energía nuclear: oscura, peligrosa e insostenible

Carlos Bravo Villa

  • español

    La energía nuclear ha demostrado ser un fracaso económico, tecnológico, medioambiental y social. Ha causado ya graves problemas a la salud pública y al medio ambiente: accidentes nucleares, como la catástrofe de Chernóbil, y la generación de residuos radiactivos con los que no se sabe qué hacer.

    La industria nuclear (amparada por el organismo regulador, el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, cuya independencia real y efectiva se persigue por medio de reformas legales) se refugia en el secretismo para tratar de evitar que la sociedad sea conocedora de sus problemas de seguridad, de su negativo impacto ambiental y de su insostenibilidad

  • English

    Nuclear energy has become a true economic, technological, environmental and social failure. It has already caused serious problems to the public health and the environment, such as nuclear accidents, like the catastrophe of Chernobyl, the generation of radioactive wastes with which is not known what to do. The nuclear industry (protected by the regulator body, the Nuclear Safety Council, whose real and effective independence is being pursued by means of legal reforms) takes refuge in the secrecy to try to avoid that citizens could be aware of its safety problems, its negative environmental impact and its unsustainability.

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