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Resumen de Mary Wollstonecraft's "A Vindication of the Rights of Women" as Generator of Differing Feminist Traditions

Chantal Cornut-Gentille D'Arcy

  • Although the name of Mary Wollstonecraft still stands high in the annals of feminism as one of the earliest promoters of the feminist ideal of human equal rights, a closer look at the development of feminism along the nineteenth century reveals that A Vlndication of the Rights of Women did not influence solely the movement for the emancipation of women or Equal Rights Movement (too often presented as the only existing type of feminism at the time). Some of the ideas advanced by the author in her famous book were likewise appropriated by another type of feminism which upheld women's DIFFERENCE from man rather than their similarity. The purpose of this article is therefore to analyze how and why Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vlndication of the Rights of Women can be considered as having given rise to two different and indeed, sometimes contradictory approaches to feminism.

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