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Resumen de La fuerza de los intereses comunes en las relaciones cubanos-estadounidenses

Graciela Chailloux Laffita

  • The recent immigration agreement signed by the United States and Cuba on September 9,1995 confirms that between these two opposing countries there still exist strong common interests that impose the necessity of an arrangement. This article summarizes several of the ideological and political points of conflict between the United States and Cuba, as well as the areas of common interest generated by their geographic proximity, most specifically large-scale immigration. The author focuses her discussion on the important role of perception in the evaluation of the factors that intervene in the politics of both countries in relation to one another. Using the example of the immigration agreement, she emphasizes that the only effective way to resolve the nearly 200-year-old conflict between the Antilles island nation and the most powerful State of North America is through dialog and negociation

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