M. Quesada Rojas, Matilde Campos Aranda, Ramona Rubio Herrera
El aumento de las expectativas de vida en la sociedad actual determina que cada vez sea mayor el número de personas en la fase de prejubilación. Este fenómeno no es exclusivo de la población civil sino que también se da en la población militar, llamado en ella �Reserva�. En el Ejército de Tierra, dependiendo del status militar que se desempeñe, pasas antes o después a la Reserva. El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido conocer de qué manera se ve afectada la salud en las personas del Ejército de Tierra que están a 1 ó 2 años de pasar a la Reserva. Para la evaluación de la variable salud se ha utilizado el cuestionario de salud de Goldberg GHQ-28. Los resultados indican que más del 80% de la población estudiada está �bien� o �muy bien� según dicho cuestionario
In today's society increased life expectancy has led to an increase in the number of people in early retirement. This phenomenon is not unique to the civilian population but is also found in the military population known as �Reserva�. In the Army, depending on the position held, each soldier sooner or later reaches retirement. The goal of this study is to determine how the health of army people who in 1 or 2 years will retire is affected. To evaluate the health variable in this population, we used the Goldberg Health Questionnaire GHQ-28. The results showed that over 80% of the subjects interviewed are either �well� or �very well�.In today's society increased life expectancy has led to an increase in the number of people in early retirement. This phenomenon is not unique to the civilian population but is also found in the military population known as �Reserva�. In the Army, depending on the position held, each soldier sooner or later reaches retirement. The goal of this study is to determine how the health of army people who in 1 or 2 years will retire is affected. To evaluate the health variable in this population, we used the Goldberg Health Questionnaire GHQ-28. The results showed that over 80% of the subjects interviewed are either �well� or �very well�.
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