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Resumen de On (anti) conditional independence in Dempster-Shafer theory

Mieczyslaw A. Klopotek

  • This paper verifies a result of [9] concerning graphoidal structure of Shenoy's notion of independence for Dempster-Shafer theory belief functions. Shenoy proved that his notion of independence has graphoidal properties for positive normal valuations. The requirement of strict positive normal valuations as prerequisite for application of graphoidal properties excludes a wide class of DS belief functions. It excludes especially so-called probabilistic belief functions. It is demonstrated that the requirement of positiveness of valuation may be weakened in that it may be required that commonality function is non-zero for singleton sets instead, and the graphoidal properties for independence of belief function variables are then preserved. This means especially that probabilistic belief functions with all singleton sets as focal points possess graphoidal properties for independence.

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