O presente artigo incardínase metodoloxicamente nas novas correntes de investigación literario-dramáticas que entenden o texto, na súa globalidade, coma un produto en relación cos diversos axentes que conforman tipoloxía didascálica ao abeiro do corpus teatral galego contemporáneo, de 1973 ata hoxe. O considerable peso que as denominadas didascalias teóricocríticas teñen dende a data da primeira convocatoria do Premio de Textos Teatrais en Galego Abrente, na Ribadavia de 1973, até as obras de autores máis recentes (moitos deles tamén directores de escena) demóstranos a preocupación pola construción dun discurso reflexivo, histórico e conceptual, necesario mesmo no seo da ficción, de cara á propia lexitimación
This article coheres methodologically with new currents in theatrical research which posit the text in its entirety as a product of the relationship with different factors that shape it as a system. As a result of this analysis, a new typology of stage directions is proposed in this article, which takes the body of contemporary Galician theatre as its case study. The considerable weight that the so-called critical and theoretical stage directions possess, from the date of the first announcement of the Abrente Awards for Theatrical Texts in Galician (Ribadavia 1973), to the works of more recent authors (many of whom are also directors) reveals a concern for the construction of a reflexive and conceptual discourse that is crucial even in terms of the fiction, and whose intention is to legitimise and normalise Galician theatre.
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