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Resumen de Evaluación de las medidas de atención a la diversidad en la educación primaria en Galicia: impacto escolar

José Domínguez Alonso

  • español

    El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad analizar el uso de las diferentes medidas de atención a la diversidad del alumnado en la Comunidad Autónoma Gallega a través de una escala diseñada para el efecto. Los resultados obtenidos indican una elevada presencia de las medidas ordinarias frente a las extraordinarias. Además dentro de las medidas ordinarias se manifiesta un predominio del refuerzo educativo (RE). También reseñar, que no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de las medidas de atención a la diversidad con respecto a las variables independientes (género, edad, experiencia, titulación y sistema de acceso), obteniendo una elevada consistencia interna en la escala elaborada (EMAD).

  • English

    The aim this study is to analyze the use of different approaches to address students diversity in the Autonomous Region of Galicia, through a scale designed for that effect. The main purpose of this scale is to evaluate current approaches in the educational system, especially those in the of the primary education level.

    Results indicate that, ordinary approaches are present more often that extraordinary approaches. Furthermore, there is a predominance of the educational reinforcement (RE). It is also outlined that there were not statistically significant differences between different approaches regarding the independent variables (sex, age, experience, qualifications and access routes), obtaining a high internal consistency in the elaborated scale (EMAD). This article justifies the need of a constant review of the existing needs in educational canters to be able to establish educational and formative coherent answers for the diversity of students. Consequently, the final model of integration-inclusion school must be the response to the diversity from ordinary education, giving a common offer to all students and at the same time differentiated answers for each one of them, adjusted to their individual characteristics.

Fundación Dialnet

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