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Uso inapropiado de fármacos de prescripción: dependencia a benzodiazapinas en adultos mayores

  • Autores: Omar Minaya Hernández, Oscar Ugalde, Ana Fresán Orellana
  • Localización: Salud mental, ISSN 0185-3325, Vol. 32, Nº. 5, 2009, págs. 405-411
  • Idioma: español
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Prescription drugs misuse: benzodiazepine dependence in the elderly
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • español

      El abuso potencial y el uso inapropiado de fármacos de prescripción en adultos mayores de 65 años o más está en aumento. Aunque la prevalencia de esta condición es difícil de estimar, se sabe que es más frecuente en mujeres.

      Una gran proporción de los tranquilizantes e hipnóticos son prescritos a adultos mayores. El género femenino, el aislamiento social y una historia de abuso de sustancias y de trastornos mentales son los principales factores de riesgo asociados al uso inapropiado de fármacos. Por otro lado, el uso prolongado de benzodiazepinas (BDZ) —mayor a cuatro semanas– también se ha asociado al desarrollo de dependencia, aun cuando las BDZ se utilicen a dosis terapéuticas Objetivo El objetivo del presente estudio es describir y comparar las características sociodemográficas y clínicas relacionadas con la prescripción y el uso de benzodiazepinas en adultos mayores con y sin dependencia a las mismas en un servicio especializado de psicogeriatría.

      Método Se reclutó un total de 39 pacientes de la Clínica de Psicogeriatría del Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente en la Ciudad de México. Todos los participantes consintieron por escrito su participación en el estudio. El diagnóstico de dependencia a BDZ se realizó a partir del SCID–I; la gravedad de los síntomas de depresión se evaluó mediante la Escala de Montgomery y Asberg (MADRS); los síntomas de ansiedad, con la Escala de Ansiedad de Hamilton (HAM–A), y el nivel de funcionalidad, mediante el Índice de Katz y el GAF.

      Resultados No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos en las variables sociodemográficas y la comorbilidad médica. Los pacientes incluidos cursaron en su mayoría con un cuadro depresivo o algún trastorno de ansiedad como diagnóstico principal. La indicación médica inicial para el consumo de BDZ fue el tratamiento de la ansiedad para los pacientes con dependencia y del insomnio para los no dependientes. La edad de inicio del consumo de las BDZ y el tiempo de consumo fue de 57.5 años y 675.2 semanas en promedio, respectivamente. La dosis promedio utilizada por los pacientes fue de 1 4.4mg en equivalentes de diazepam.

      Los pacientes con dependencia a las BDZ mostraron una mayor gravedad de los síntomas de depresión y ansiedad, menor desempeño cognoscitivo y menor funcionamiento psicosocial, así como conductas de búsqueda y abandono de actividades relacionadas con el consumo y mayores síntomas de tolerancia y abstinencia a las BDZ.

      Discusión La dependencia a las BDZ se presentó como un fenómeno complejo relacionado con la intensidad de los síntomas de depresión y ansiedad, un consumo crónico y una mayor dosificación. La depresión con síntomas de ansiedad en el adulto mayor no debería tratarse con BDZ, ya que, además del riesgo de desarrollar dependencia, éstas pueden efectuar negativamente el desempeño cognoscitivo y el funcionamiento global de los pacientes.

      Al momento de prescribir una BDZ a la población geriátrica se deben tomar en consideración variables sociodemográficas y clínicas de los pacientes. De la misma forma, será necesario evaluar en futuros estudios la influencia de la personalidad y otras variables clínicas sobre el desarrollo de esta dependencia.

    • English

      Misuse and potential abuse of prescription drugs are growing problems in elderly people over 65 years old. Although the prevalence of this condition is difficult to estimate, drug misuse is most common in elderly women.

      A great proportion of the psychoactive prescriptions in old people include tranquilizers and hypnotics. There are several risk factors related to increased risk misuse, abuse, and dependence of prescription drugs. The following are among these risk factors: the female gender, social isolation, history of substance abuse or dependence, history of mental illness and medical exposure to prescription drugs with abuse potential.

      Also, BDZ consumption for a period longer than four weeks has also been associated to BDZ dependence, even at therapeutic doses.

      Until now, BDZ dependence in the elderly has been poorly studied, so the present study may increase our knowledge of this complex phenomenon.

      Objective The aim of the present study was to describe and compare sociodemographic and clinical features related to the prescription and benzodiazepines use in old people with and without dependence to these drugs in an outpatients psychogeriatric service.

      Method A total of 39 patients from the outpatients service at the psychogeriatric clinic of the National Institute of Psychiatry Ramón de la Fuente in Mexico City were recruited. All of the participants signed an informed consent to be included in the study.

      Several assessments were performed to determine the psycho–pathological status. Diagnosis of BDZ dependence was obtained with the SCID–I Interview, the severity of depression and anxiety symptoms were evaluated through the Montgomery & Asberg Scale (MADRS) and the Hamilton Anxiety Scale, respectively. For the evaluation of the functionality level, the Katz Index and GAF were used.

      Results No significant differences were found between patients with and without BDZ dependence in terms of social and demographic characteristics and medical comorbidity.

      The main Axis I diagnoses of the patients were depressive disorder or anxiety disorders.

      The first medical prescription of BDZ in patients with BDZ dependence was the presence of anxiety symptoms, while for patients without BDZ dependence the aim of BDZ prescription was the treatment of insomnia.

      The mean age of BDZ use onset and the time of consumption were 57.5 years and 675.2 weeks, respectively. The average dose of BDZ used by the patients was 14.4mg of diazepam equivalents. Significant differences were found between groups in terms of BDZ consumption features. Patients with BDZ dependence exhibited more drug seeking behavior, more abandonment of daily activities, and more tolerance and abstinence symptoms.

      Patients with BDZ dependence exhibited more prominent symptoms of anxiety and depression than patients without BDZ dependence. Also, these patients had a poorer cognitive performance and lower psychosocial functioning.

      Discussion BDZ dependence is a complex phenomenon related to the severity of depressive and anxiety symptoms. These symptoms were the main reason for the medical prescription of BDZ.

      Although BDZ use was indicated for the treatment of anxiety disorders, the use of BDZ in the elderly has been contraindicated for the treatment of depression with anxiety features.

      The potential risk to develop BDZ dependence in elderly patients can be related to pharmacological variations due to changes in the metabolism process of aging and the interactions with other drugs. Both factors could increase half life of BDZ and their pharmacological effect in the organism.

      There were statistical differences in the drug–taking pattern of BDZ consumption in the patients. Patients with BDZ dependence had an earlier onset of BDZ consumption and longer use. The chronic use of BDZ is one of the most important risk factors for dependence development.

      For the present study, BDZ dependence was clinically defined in terms of tolerance and abstinence symptoms. This definition is in accordance to what has been described in international scientific literature as BDZ physiologic dependence. In this way, tolerance and abstinence symptoms might be the main reason why patients with BDZ dependence needed higher BDZ dosages for the treatment of anxiety symptoms.

      Sociodemographic characteristics in this sample were not related to the presence of BDZ dependence; nevertheless, it has been reported that the female gender and the presence of chronic pain are risk factors for BDZ abuse and dependence. Future longitudinal studies with an increased number of patients should assess the effect of these variables in BDZ dependence development in the elderly.

      Differences found in terms of cognitive performance may be related to the psychomotor retardation conferred by the use of BDZ, which may in turn have a direct impact on the velocity of mental performance in the patients. Also, the presence and severity of depressive and anxiety symptoms may also have a negative impact on cognitive performance.

      Generalization of the findings of the present research is limited by sample size. Nevertheless, the relevance of the present results highlight the importance of the careful prescription and inherent risks related to potentially addictive medications. Increasing our knowledge in the prescription of these medications will improve our medical attention and our patients' quality of life

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