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Resumen de Graph directed Markov systems on Hilbert spaces

R. Daniel Mauldin, Tomasz Szarek, Mariusz Urbanski

  • We deal with contracting finite and countably infinite iterated function systems acting on Polish spaces, and we introduce conformal Graph Directed Markov Systems on Polish spaces. Sufficient conditions are provided for the closure of limit sets to be compact, connected, or locally connected. Conformal measures, topological pressure, and Bowen's formula (determining the Hausdorff dimension of limit sets in dynamical terms) are introduced and established. We show that, unlike the Euclidean case, the Hausdorff measure of the limit set of a finite iterated function system may vanish. Investigating this issue in greater detail, we introduce the concept of geometrically perfect measures and provide sufficient conditions for geometric perfectness. Geometrical perfectness guarantees the Hausdorff measure of the limit set to be positive. As a by�product of the mainstream of our investigations we prove a 4r�covering theorem for all metric spaces. It enables us to establish appropriate co�Frostman type theorems.

Fundación Dialnet

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