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Resumen de J.K. i el "crash" del 1929. L'economia com a fatalisme

David Murillo Bonvehí

  • English

    The current crisis has had, and will have, many victims, a great many of whom can be found in the financial pagos of the newspapers, yet another of these victims is going to be economics itself. Economics will, aboye all, be a victim if it is incapable of modifying its discourse, incapable of incorporating the knowledge that, from the interstices of different disciplines such as sociology, behavioural economics, social psychology and, particularly, economic history, calls into question the orthodox view of the economy that has been taught at university and reproduced in the media. The aim of this article is to show how such an analysis, incorporated into the current orthodox paradigm, might have done something to reduce the levels of risk of what can already be considered as the worst crisis since 1929. Based on the work by Galbraith, The Great Crash, 1929, one of the classic books dealing with financial bubbles, this text explains the complex psychological and institutional mechanisms that bring about systemic failure, such as that of in 1929, while also recognising the value of the past when considering our present-day problems.

  • català

    L'actual crisi ha tingut i tindrà molts damnificats. Una part important d'aquests són els que trobem a les planes d'economia deis diaris, peró un altre deis grans damnificats d'aquesta crisi será la mateixa disciplina económica. I ho será, sobretot, si es mostra incapaç de modificar el seu discurs, incapaç d'incorporar aquell coneixement que, des deis intersticis de diverses disciplines com la sociologia, l'economia de la conducta, la psicologia social i particularment la história económica, posa en qüestió la visió ortodoxa de l'economia que s'ensenya en les universitats i es reprodueix en els mitjans de comunicació. L'article intenta mostrar com les seves análisis, incorporades al paradigma ortodox vigent, tal vegada haurien fet alguna cosa per recluir els nivells de risc del que ja pot considerar-se la pitjor crisi des del 1929. A partir de l'obra de Galbraith El crasb de 1929, una de les lectures clàssiques sobre les bombolles financeres, aquest text ens acosta als complexos mecanismes psicológics i institucionals que possibiliten situacions de fallida sistémica com la de l'any 1929, tot reconeixent la vàlua del passat per a pensar els nostres problemes actuals.

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