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Resumen de Syllable and letter knowledge in early korean hangul reading

Jeung-Ryeul Cho

  • This study examined the development of Korean consonant-vowel (CV) syllable identification, consonant and vowel letter knowledge, and their relationships to phonological awareness and the reading of regular Hangul words among Korean kindergartners as a 6-month longitudinal study, Results showed that Korean children identified CV syllables better than consonant and vowel letters, In regression analyses, CV syllable identification at Time I strongly contributed to Hangul word recognition concurrently over and above letter knowledge, as well as longitudinally after controlling for letter knowledge and reading at Time 1. However, letter knowledge did not predict Hangul reading once CV syllable identification was controlled, In addition, CV syllable knowledge facilitated subsequent letter knowledge and phoneme onset and coda awareness, The results, in general, shed light on the salient roles of syllables in the early literacy development of Korean.

    Supplemental materials: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0016212.supp

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