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Institutions and Technological Learning: Public-Private Linkages in Agricultural Research in Brazil and Argentina

  • Autores: Marcos Paulo Fuck, María Beatriz Bonacelli
  • Localización: Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, ISSN-e 0718-2724, Vol. 4, Nº. 2, 2009, págs. 33-43
  • Idioma: inglés
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  • Resumen
    • The article discusses the institutional arrangements and forms of organization of agricultural research in Brazil and Argentina.

      The analysis focuses on Embrapa in the Brazilian case and INTA in the Argentinian case. Emphasis is laid on the two institutions� policies regarding intellectual property and technology transfer. The aim is to contribute to the debate about how to conceptualize the co-evolution of organizations considering the technical, scientific, legal, regulatory, economic and other contexts in which they operate, reinforcing the idea of learning and that economic institutions do not just evolve but co-evolve.

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