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Resumen de The effect of R&D intensity on corporate social responsibility

Robert C. Padgett, José Ignacio Galán Zazo

  • This study examines the impact that Research and Development (R&D) intensity has on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). We base our research on the Resource Based View (RBV) theory, which contributes to our analysis of R&D intensity and CSR because this perspective explicitly recognizes the importance of intangible resources. Both R&D and CSR activities can create assets that provide firms with competitive advantage. Furthermore, the employment of such activities can improve the welfare of the community and satisfy stakeholder expectations, which might vary according to their prevailing environment. As expressions of CSR and R&D vary throughout industries, we extend our research by analyzing the impact that R&D intensity has on CSR across both manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries. Our results show that R&D intensity positively affects CSR and that this relationship is significant in manufacturing industries, while a non-significant result was obtained in non-manufacturing industries.

Fundación Dialnet

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