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Resumen de Rewards to education in the tourism sector: one step ahead

Adelaida Lillo Bañuls, José M. Casado Díaz

  • The authors analyse private returns to education in the Spanish tourism sector ¿ that is, the increase in salary associated with an additional year of study. Mincer-type functions are estimated, drawing on a large sample from the Spanish Survey on Working Conditions, which allows robust estimations. Unlike previous analyses, the existence of an ability bias is considered explicitly through the use of instrumental variables techniques. The results show that, contrary to previous estimates based on OLS, the estimated returns in the tourism sector are not significantly different from those of the Spanish economy as a whole. The authors also provide additional evidence on the heterogeneity that is apparent when the tourism sector workforce is disaggregated by age, sex and work experience.

Fundación Dialnet

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