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Resumen de ¿Qué pasa con el Pacífico Negro en el Atlántico Negro? El Atlántico Negro de Paul Gilroy frente a los acontecimientos (afro)colombianos

Lioba Rossbach de Olmos

  • español

    El presente articulo presenta una critica al Atlantico Negro (The Black Atlantic.) y a Paul Gilroy como representante de los estudios culturales desde un punto de vista antropologico y empirico usando como ejemplo la reciente dinamica politica de Colombia. Especialmente en el Pacifico Negro. colombiano se estan constituyendo (nuevas) identidades etnicas negras. La nueva constitucion de 1991 y una serie de disposiciones legales favorables contribuyen a que el Pacifico Negro. se presenta como antitesis del Atlantico Negro de Gilroy.

  • English

    In his book The Black Atlantic. Paul Gilroy conceptualizes the historical scenario of the slave trade and slavery as a political-cultural unit and connects it to the beginning of European modernity. Black people are included in that modernity and also are seen as part of a counter-modernity but are not represented as agents of cultural differences. Gilroy identifies cultural mixing, heterogeneities and creolization, but rejects ethnic and national(ist) identities as essentialisms. The present article criticizes the work of Paul Gilroy as representative of cultural studies from an anthropological and empirical point of view taking the recent political dynamics of Colombia as an example. Particularly, in the Colombian Black Pacific. (new) ethnic identities came up recently. Due to the new constitution of 1991 and a series of new favourable legal dispositions the Black Pacific. presents itself as an antithesis to Gilroy`s the Black Atlantic.

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