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Resumen de Le patrimoine matériel et immatériel: de la différence à la convergence

Dawson Munjeri

  • At the beginning of UNESCO�s normative actions, a discrepancy between protection of the tangible cultural heritage and that of the intangible, heavily weighted in favour of the former. Dawson Munjeri retraces the arduous route followed before the adoption of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage at UNESCO�s 32nd session of the General Conference passing through the Burra Charter, the Nara Conference and other international conventions. His article explains how the fundamental change in our perception of cultural heritage occurred whereby we came to accept the notion that objects, collections, buildings, etc. become recognized as heritage when they express the value of society. He also questions previously accepted terms such as �authenticity�, which had been narrowly defined on the basis of a western notion, giving examples world wide and demonstrating how it represents a reductionist approach. Through these means and others, this text is an analytical study of how the intangible heritage has been recognized as the larger framework within which tangible heritage could take its shape and significance

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