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Fantasmas que se cruzan. Política y mesianismo en Walter Benjamin y Jacques Derrida

  • Autores: Gabriela Balcarce
  • Localización: Instantes y Azares: Escrituras Nietzscheanas, ISSN 1666-2849, Nº. 6-7, 2009, págs. 189-206
  • Idioma: español
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  • Resumen
    • This paper aims to define certain discountinuing continuities between Benjaminian and Derridean philosophies regarding the topic of messianism and its application in political thinking. We consider that it is this re-invention of the messianic and this new application of messianism in political philosophy that make possible the abandonment of traditional attempts to think a relation of subordination (foundation) of politics to theology, to open up the possibility of thinking theology as providing �within a line of thought initiated by the Schmittian tradition� certain figures that could allow us to think the movement of the political, its renewal and the need to underline the provisory character of all positivity.

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