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Resumen de El límite Cábrico-Ordovícico en el sinclinal de la Peña de Francia: evidencias litológicas, sedimentaologicas y geoquímicas

Pedro Barba Regidor, José María Ugidos Meana

  • Several levels of conglomerate cropping out in the Peña de Francia syncline were previously included in the Ordovician basal unit. However, a Lower Cambrian conglomerate can be identified inside, even in the areas where the basal Ordovician unconformity is not exposed. The Cambrian conglomerate witness the filling of deep water channels by mass flow; whereas the Basal Ordovician conglomerate indicates the starting of the Ordovician transgression in a coastal environment under tides and waves regime. Sedimentary and lithological data from the conglomerates and geochemical data from interlayered slates support this interpretation.

Fundación Dialnet

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