La asertividad sexual se refiere a la capacidad de las personas para iniciar la actividad sexual, rechazar la actividad sexual no deseada y emplear metodos anticonceptivos, desarrollando comportamientos saluda-bles. La Sexual Assertiveness Scale (SAS) es una escala de 18 items que evalua tres dimensiones: Inicio, Rechazo y Prevencion Embarazo-ETS (E-ETS). En este estudio 853 personas contestaron la SAS, junto a una bateria de ins-trumentos afines. La puntuacion media de los items ha sido similar a la media teorica del cuestionario, siendo ademas las desviaciones tipicas cercanas a uno. Casi todos los items han mostrado un indice de discrimi-nacion por encima de .30 y un aporte apropiado a la fiabilidad de la escala. El analisis factorial exploratorio ha mostrado tres dimensiones identicas a las obtenidas en el estudio original que explican un 48% de la varianza (Inicio �Ö = .80; Rechazo �Ö = .76 y E-ETS �Ö = .85). Esta estructura ha sido confirmada mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales observandose un buen ajuste. Se discute la validez concurrente al observar correlaciones significativas entre las subescalas del SAS con otros constructos afines.
The construct of sexual assertiveness has been developed to further the understanding of the ability to initiate sexual activity, refuse unwanted sex and negotiate pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases prevention, and consequently, explore healthy behaviours. Sexual Asser-tiveness Scale (SAS), which is an 18 items questionnaire that consists of three factors measuring Initiation, Refusal, and Pregnancy Sexually Transmitted Disease prevention (P-STD) assertiveness. In this study, 853 people an-swered to the SAS together with others scales. The mean of the items has been similar to the theoretical average of the questionnaire. Moreover, the standard deviation has been close to one. Most of the items have showed a discrimination index higher than .30. No alpha increase has been ob-served if any item were deleted. Exploratory factor analysis showed three dimensions (48% variance) which replicate the original solution identically (Initiation ù = .80; Refusal ù = .76 and P-STD ù = .85). The scale dimen-sion has been confirmed by using a Structural Equation Modeling and found a good fit index. Significant correlations have been observed be-tween SAS and other related constructs.
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