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Resumen de Tratamiento jurídico de la violencia doméstica en Colombia, Ecuador y Venezuela

Karina Yelena Toro Brito, Ana Melissa Buenaventura Rodríguez, Wnellis Barros Barros

  • español

    La violencia intrafamiliar o violencia domestica en los últimos tiempos, se ha constituido a nivel mundial en una práctica que ha alcanzado altos índices de visibilidad, que comprende una serie de conductas dañinas que afectan física, sicológica y socialmente a la familia, organización que está preceptuada legalmente como el núcleo fundamental de la sociedad, por eso en este estudio se hizo imprescindible referenciar este concepto, y aquellos con los que se relaciona, como lo es la violencia conyugal. En esta investigación, se realizó un análisis comparativo del tratamiento jurídico de la violencia domestica en las legislaciones vigentes en Colombia, Venezuela y Ecuador; estudiando los tipos de medidas empleadas a nivel gubernamental para neutralizar las causas y los efectos de la esta violencia; con el fin de identificar similitudes y diferencias de instituciones en sus aspectos jurídicos-formales y su efectividad; lo que indiscutiblemente permitió obtener una visión más amplia de la problemática, y de los factores asociados a ella. Con este articulo de reflexión se ha querido socializar algunos aspectos de la investigación realizada

  • English

    Domestic violence in recent times has become in a worldwide practice that has achieved high levels of visibility, which includes a number of harmful behaviors that affect physical, psychological and social help to the family, which is a legallymandated organization that is a fundamental nucleus of society. Therefore in this study was indispensable describing this concept, and those with which it interacts, such as domestic violence because of the impact that has created this problem in the family.

    It has also deepened on the status of the female, placing in the study of this violence, with its own legal analysis for each country under investigation. These behaviors have gained importance in the judiciary becoming one of the highest-impact crimes, and all that that implies.

    This research aims a comparative analysis of the legal treatment of marital sexual violence in the criminal laws in force in Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador, with corresponding statistical data of this type of violence, studying the types of measures being taken at government level neutralize the causes and effects of spousal sexual violence, to identify similarities and differences in legal institutions, formal and effectiveness; what undoubtedly enabled us to obtain a broader view of the problem, and the factors associated with it.

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