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Resumen de Functional equation of Dhombres type in the real case

Ludwig Reich, Jaroslav Smítal, Marta Stefánková

  • We consider continuous solutions f : R+ ! R+ = (0,1) of the functional equation f(xf(x)) = ö(f(x)) where ö is a given continuous map R+ ! R+. If ö is an increasing homeomorphism the solutions are completely described, if not there are only partial results. In this paper we bring some necessary conditions upon a possible range Rf .

    In particular, if öjRf has no periodic points except for xed points then there are at most two xed points in Rf , and all possible types of Rf and all possible types of behavior of f can be described. The paper contains techniques which essentially simplify the description of the class of all solutions.

Fundación Dialnet

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